Purchase NFTs With Card

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To get started with this tutorial, head over to the Settings page, scroll down to the Billing section and complete the steps there.

Once you've completed all of the steps in the Billing section, return here to start the tutorial.

For this example, we will be minting a Nexus NFT skin using a credit card. To follow along, head over to the Nexus Minting Page on the dApp.

Step 1. Choosing the skin to mint

Select a skin from the options available that you wish to purchase, I'm going to choose the Nexus Vanguard for this example.

Right off the bat we can see how much it will cost to purchase the skin, in this case the Nexus Vanguard skin costs $25 USD.

Step 2. Confirming our purchase

Now that we've chosen which skin we want to purchase, click the purchase button to select from the available options.

For this example, we want to purchase using a credit card, which uses USD, so we'll select that option. Selecting this option presents us with a confirmation dialog breaking down our purchase details and how much we're going to pay exactly. It also gives us an option to select which card we want to use.

You can go ahead and select a card from your list of cards that you've added, or you can add a new card if you like. Similarly, you can manage your cards directly from this menu, just as you can from the Billing section of the Settings page.

Step 3. Review Details

Before confirming your purchase, make sure to check over the details. This includes checking the:

  • Item name: Make sure this is the NFT that you wish to purchase

  • Quantity: Check that the number of items you're purchasing matches

  • Unit price: Ensure that the unity price shown is the same as in Step 1. Choosing the skin to mint

  • Total due: Make sure that the total amount due is expected. Generally this is the unit price multiplied by the quantity.

  • Receive address: Finally, and most importantly, make sure the address in the "On receipt of payment" text matches the address where you want to receive your skin.

Once you've reviewed all of the details and confirmed everything is in order, you can go ahead and click the "Confirm & Pay" button.

Step 4. Sit Back & Relax

Once you've hit the "Confirm & Pay" button, we handle it from there. Your request has been sent to the blockchain where your fresh NFT is being minted. Once minted, the purchase dialog will disappear and your new NEXUS skin will be in your inventory! You can check it out on your Account NFT section.


And with that, we're done! We used a credit card to purchase a skin to use in NEXUS in just a few simple steps.

Last updated